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This document provides instructions on how to set up and start a running instance of talawa-api on your local system. The instructions are written to be followed in sequence so make sure to go through each of them step by step without skipping any sections.

The .env Configuration File

You will need to configure the API to work correctly.

  1. The configuration file is called .env and must be placed in the root directory of the code.
  2. This table defines some the parameters required for smooth operation
    1. Steps explaining the usage of the .env file will be found in subsequent sections
VariableUse Case
API_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESSEmail address of the administrator user.
API_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_NAMEUsername of the administrator user, used for admin login and identification.
API_ADMINISTRATOR_USER_PASSWORDPassword for the administrator user, used for admin login security.
API_BASE_URLBase URL for the API, used for constructing API endpoints and routing requests.
API_COMMUNITY_FACEBOOK_URLURL to the community's Facebook page, used for linking and integrating social media presence.
API_COMMUNITY_GITHUB_URLURL to the community's GitHub repository, used for linking and integrating code repository.
API_COMMUNITY_INSTAGRAM_URLURL to the community's Instagram page, used for linking and integrating social media presence.
API_COMMUNITY_LINKEDIN_URLURL to the community's LinkedIn page, used for linking and integrating social media presence.
API_COMMUNITY_NAMEName of the community, used for branding and identification within the application.
API_COMMUNITY_REDDIT_URLURL to the community's Reddit page, used for linking and integrating social media presence.
API_COMMUNITY_SLACK_URLURL to the community's Slack workspace, used for linking and integrating communication channels.
API_COMMUNITY_WEBSITE_URLURL to the community's website, used for linking and integrating online presence.
API_COMMUNITY_X_URLURL to the community's X (formerly Twitter) page, used for linking and integrating social media presence.
API_COMMUNITY_YOUTUBE_URLURL to the community's YouTube channel, used for linking and integrating video content.
API_JWT_SECRETSecret key for JWT(JSON Web Token) generation and validation, used for securing API authentication and authorization.
API_MINIO_SECRET_KEYSecret key for MinIO, used for securing access to MinIO object storage.
API_POSTGRES_PASSWORDPassword for the PostgreSQL database, used for database authentication and security.
CADDY_TALAWA_API_DOMAIN_NAMEDomain name for the Talawa API, used for configuring and routing API traffic.
CADDY_TALAWA_API_EMAILEmail address for the Talawa API, used for SSL certificate registration and notifications.
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORDRoot password for MinIO, used for securing administrative access to MinIO object storage.
POSTGRES_PASSWORDPassword for the PostgreSQL database (Docker Compose), used for database authentication and security.


You must follow these steps before continuing.

Install Docker

Docker is used to build, deploy, and manage applications within isolated, lightweight containers, effectively packaging an application with all its dependencies so it can run consistently across different environments, allowing for faster development, testing, and deployment of software.

We use Docker to simplify installation. Follow these steps to install Docker on your system

  1. Docker Desktop for Windows/Mac
  2. Docker Engine for Linux

After docker is installed, you'll need to verify its operation

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Run the following commands to check if the required software is installed:

    • docker --version
    • docker-compose --version
  3. Check if docker is running:

    • docker info

(Note: Restart the docker if you are getting this error Cannot connect to the Docker daemon )

Download the talawa-api Code

  1. On your computer, navigate to the folder where you want to set up the repository.
  2. Open a command prompt (cmd for Windows) or terminal (terminal for Linux or MacOS) session in this folder.
    • You can usually do this by right-clicking in the folder and selecting the appropriate option for your OS.
  3. Clone the repository to your local computer:
    git clone
    cd talawa-api
    git checkout develop-postgres

Production Environment Setup

This section outlines how to setup Talawa-API for use by organizations.

If you are a developer, please go to the Development Environment Setup section


You must have basic competence and experience in the following technologies to be able to set up the production environment of talawa api:

  1. Git
  2. Github
  3. Docker
  4. Docker compose

Please make sure that you have insalled the required software before starting the production environment setup.

Setup - Instructional Video

We provide a mostly automated way of setting up the production environment for the Talawa API using Git, Docker, and Docker-compose. Follow the instructions below and refer to the provided instructional video for a visual guide.

Click on the image below to play the video.

Talawa API Environment Setup - Production

Note: The video contains some inaccuracies.

  1. Please ensure you clone from the correct repository Talawa API Repository
  2. The correct branch to checkout is develop-postgres
  3. All the field for .env files are not shown in the video. Refer Step 4: Configuring Environment Variables

Setup - All Steps

Follow these steps to have the best experience

Configure the .env File

You'll need to create a .env file in the repository's root directory.

Copy the content of ./envFiles/.env.production to the .env file.

cp ./envFiles/.env.production ./.env
Add a JWT Secret to .env

You will need to add a JWT secret to the .env file

  1. Open your web browser and go to
  2. Select 64 from the slider.
  3. Click the Generate button.

Your new 64-character JWT secret will be displayed on the screen.

  1. Copy this secret
  2. Add it to the API_JWT_SECRET value in the .env file.

Start the App

  1. Start the server by running the following command:
    docker compose up
  2. To stop the Docker Server, use this command:
    docker compose down

Congratulations! 🎉 Your Talawa API is now successfully set up and running using Docker!

Development Environment Setup

This section outlines how to setup Talawa-API for use by developers wanting to contribute code to the project.

If you want to install it for your organization, then please go to the Production Environment Setup section

Our Recommendations

Linux based distributions are simply the best platform for a very vast majority of use cases related to software development. As such we recommend using popular linux based distributions like fedora, arch, ubuntu, linux mint, debian etc., for having a better experience during software development.

We make heavy use of Docker containers in our workflows. Since containers are a Linux-based technology, on non-Linux platforms they require Linux emulation through virtual machines, which can impact performance. So, you should be aware that there are performance penalties and certain limitations with running containers on platforms like macOS and windows.

Though, many of these penalties and limitations don't apply to windows subsystem for linux. So, if you plan on using windows, at the very least make use of windows subsystem for linux.


You must have basic competence and experience in the following technologies to be able to set up and work within the development environment of talawa api:

  1. Unix based operating systems like linux based distributions, macOS or windows subsystem for linux.
  2. Git
  3. Github
  4. Docker
  5. Docker compose
  6. Visual studio code with devcontainers
  7. Typescript
  8. Node.js

It is very important that you go through this official documentation for working with devcontainers in visual studio code.

Setup: Instructional Video

We provide a mostly automated way of setting up the development environment for the Talawa API using Git, Docker, and Visual Studio Code. Follow the instructions below and refer to the provided instructional video for a visual guide.

Click on the image below to play the video.

Talawa API Environment Setup - Development

Note: The video contains some inaccuracies.

  1. Please ensure you clone from the correct repository Talawa API Repository
  2. The correct branch to checkout is develop-postgres
  3. postgres-test is the name of the test database in the docker-compose file.

Setup: Using the CLI

These steps are specific to Linux. You will need to modify them accordingly for other operating systems

  1. Install docker and ensure that the daemon is running.
  2. This process does not require the installation of PostgresSQL. If you have installed postgres on your system, make sure that it is not running.
  3. Windows Only
    1. Make sure you clone the talawa-api repository to a WSL subdirectory.
    2. Run all the following commands from the repository root in that subdirectory.
  4. Create the .env file by copying the template from the envFiles/ directory.
      cp envFiles/.env.devcontainer .env
  5. Install pnpm using codepack
    corepack install -g pnpm
  6. Linux / MacOS Only
    1. Setup pnpm to be automatically configured on all future terminal session logins using your ~/.bashrc file.
      pnpm setup
    2. Enable pnpm for your current terminal session.
      source ~/.bashrc
  7. Install the pnpm packages
    pnpm install
  8. Install the devcontainers/cli package
    pnpm install -g @devcontainers/cli
  9. You will now need to make your user a part of the docker operating system group or else you will get permission denied messages when starting docker later. $USER is a universal representation of your username. You don't need to change this in the command below.
    sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
  10. You will only become a part of the docker group on your next login. You don't have to logout, just start another session on the CLI using the su command.
    sudo su $USER -
  11. Build the docker devcontainer
devcontainer build --workspace-folder .
  1. When the build is complete, the last line of the output should be:
  1. Start the docker devcontainer
devcontainer up --workspace-folder .
  1. When the startup is complete, the last line of out put should look like this:
[19:53:14.113] INFO (166): Server listening at
[19:53:14.113] INFO (166): Server listening at
[19:53:14.113] INFO (166): Server listening at
[19:53:14.113] INFO (166): Server listening at
[19:53:14.113] INFO (166): Server listening at
[19:53:14.113] INFO (166): Server listening at

All done!

CLI Shutdown (Development)

Use the command docker compose command to cleanly shutdown the dev container

docker compose down

CLI Startup (Development)

After a successful installation, use these commands in sequence to start the dev container.

devcontainer build --workspace-folder .
devcontainer up --workspace-folder .

Importing Sample Data

Please refer to the section below.

Setup: Using the VScode IDE

You can setup the app using the VScode IDE. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open cloned talawa-api project in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Install the devcontainer extension in VScode.
  3. You should see a notification that a devcontainer configuration file is available. Click on the notification and select Reopen in Container.
    • If you don't see the notification, you can open the command palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and search for Reopen in Container.
    • Make sure you have downloaded devcontainer extension of vs code.
  4. This will open a new Visual Studio Code window with the project running inside a Docker container. This will take a few minutes to complete.
  5. Wait till the process is complete and you see ports being forwarded in the terminal.
  6. You can check logs by clicking Connecting to Dev Container (show log);
  7. Create a new terminal in Visual Studio Code by pressing Ctrl+Shift+` .
  8. Run the pwd command to confirm you are in the /home/talawa/api directory.
  9. Run the following command to check if the project has required dependencies installed correctly:
       node -v
    pnpm -v
    Congratulations! 🎉 Your Talawa API is now successfully set up and running using Docker and Vs code!

Development Mode Operation

You can run the app after closing the terminal or restating the vscode using these commands:

  • for normal mode
    pnpm run start_development_server
  • for debugging mode
    pnpm run start_development_server_with_debugger

Note: These commands will start the server in development mode.

Sample Data

We have created sample data to make it easier for end users to get an understanding of the application.

Importing Sample Data

This applies to users running Talawa API in dev containers.

  1. Once the server is running, open a new terminal session.
  2. Open a bash session inside the running container:
    docker exec -it talawa-api-1 /bin/bash
  3. Inside the container, run the following command to import sample data into the database:
     pnpm run import:sample-data
  4. Then exit
    Refer to the next section for login information.

Sample Data Users

Below is a table of user login credentials for the sample data.

NameEmail AddressPasswordRole
Wilt Shepherdtestsuperadmin@example.comPass@123administrator
Vyvyan Kerrytestadmin1@example.comPass@123administrator
Loyd Solomontestadmin2@example.comPass@123administrator
Darcy Wilftestadmin3@example.comPass@123administrator
Harve Lancetestuser1@example.comPass@123regular
Praise Norristestuser2@example.comPass@123regular
Scott Tonytestuser3@example.comPass@123regular
Teresa Bradleytestuser4@example.comPass@123regular
Bruce Garzatestuser5@example.comPass@123regular
Burton Sanderstestuser6@example.comPass@123regular
Jeramy Garciatestuser7@example.comPass@123regular
Deanne Markstestuser8@example.comPass@123regular
Romeo Hollandtestuser9@example.comPass@123regular
Carla Nguyentestuser10@example.comPass@123regular
Peggy Bowerstestuser11@example.comPass@123regular

Testing and Validation

Please refer to the Testing and Validation Page for more details