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Testing & Validation

This section covers important tests to validate the operation of the API.

Accessing the API

These are some important URLs for coding and troubleshooting:


  1. By default talawa-api runs on port 4000. It is available on the following endpoint:
    • If you navigate to the endpoint you and see a JSON response like this.
    "message": "Route GET:/ not found",
    "error": "Not Found",
    "statusCode": 404


This section covers how to access the GraphQL API interface.

Interactive Web Queries With GraphiQL

The url for accessing the GraphQL Playground is

Programmatic Queries With GraphiQL

The graphQL endpoint for handling queries and mutations is this:
  1. This is the Organization URL to be used for:
    1. The Talawa Mobile app
    2. The Talawa Admin app
  2. If you navigate to the endpoint you and see a JSON response like this.
{ "data": null, "errors": [{ "message": "Unknown query" }] }

Subscriptions with GraphQL

The GraphQL endpoint for handling subscriptions is:


Accessing the API in Talawa App Using Remote Access

  1. Launch the terminal application on your device.

  2. Retrieve IPv4 Address:

    • For Windows Users: Enter the command ipconfig.
    • For Linux/OSX Users: Enter the command ifconfig.
    • Copy the IPv4 Address displayed (e.g.,
  3. Make sure both your mobile and your computer are connected to the same network.

  4. Use the following format for your endpoint:

http://<IPv4 address>:4000/graphql

Replace <IPv4 Address> with the actual IP address you copied in step 2.

Note: In the Talawa app, type the endpoint URL in the field labeled Enter Community URL.

Database Management

This section covers easy ways for developers to validate their work


CloudBeaver is a lightweight web application designed for comprehensive data management. It allows you to work with various data sources, including SQL, NoSQL, and cloud databases, all through a single secure cloud solution accessible via a browser.

Accessing the PostgreSQL Database using CloudBeaver

  1. Open your preferred browser and navigate to:
  2. Log in to the CloudBeaver UI using the following credentials (these credentials can be modified in the .env.devcontainer file by changing the CLOUDBEAVER_ADMIN_NAME and CLOUDBEAVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD variables):
    Username: talawa
    Password: password
  3. You should now see the CloudBeaver UI. Click on the "New Connection" button and select PostgreSQL from the list of available connections.
  4. Fill in the connection details as follows:
    Name: talawa
    Host: postgres
    Port: 5432
    Database: talawa
    Username: talawa
    Password: password
    • Note: The host name should match the one specified in the Docker Compose file and credentials should match those specified in the .env.development file.
  5. Check the Save credentials for all users with access option to avoid entering the credentials each time.
  6. Check the following boxes in the Database list:
    show all databases
    show template databases
    show unavailable databases
    show database statistics
  7. Click Create to save the connection.
  8. You should now see the PostgreSql@postgres connection in the list of available connections. Click on the connection to open the database.
  9. Navigate to PostgreSql@postgres > Databases > talawa > Schemas > public > Tables to view the available schemas.

Accessing the PostgreSQL Test Database using CloudBeaver

  1. Click on the New Connection button and select PostgreSQL from the list of available connections.

  2. Fill in the connection details as follows:

    Name: talawa
    Host: postgrestest
    Port: 5432
    Database: talawa
    Username: talawa
    Password: password
    • Note: The host name should match the one specified in the Docker Compose file and credentials should match those specified in the .env.development file.
  3. Check the Save credentials for all users with access option to avoid entering the credentials each time.

  4. Check the following boxes in the Database list:

    show all databases
    show template databases
    show unavailable databases
    show database statistics
  5. Click Create to save the connection.

  6. You should now see the PostgreSql@postgres-test connection in the list of available connections. Click on the connection to open the database.

  7. Navigate to PostgreSql@postgres-test > Databases > talawa > Schemas > public > Tables to view the available tables.

Object Storage Management

MinIO is a free, open-source object storage server that's compatible with Amazon S3. It's designed for large-scale data storage and can run on-premises or in the cloud.

Accessing MinIO - (Production Environments)

  1. Open your preferred browser and navigate to:
  2. Log in to the MinIO UI using the following credentials(these credentials can be modified in the env files by changing the MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD variables):
    • Username: talawa
    • Password: password
  3. You should now see the MinIO UI. Click on the Login button to access the MinIO dashboard.
  4. You can now view the available buckets and objects in the MinIO dashboard.

Accessing MinIO - (Development Environments)

  1. Open your preferred browser and navigate to:
  2. Log in to the MinIO UI using the following credentials(these credentials can be modified in the .env.devcontainer file by changing the MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD variables):
    • Username: talawa
    • Password: password
  3. You should now see the MinIO UI. Click on the Login button to access the MinIO dashboard.
  4. You can now view the available buckets and objects in the MinIO dashboard.

Resetting Docker

NOTE: This applies only to Talawa API developers.

Sometimes you may want to start all over again from scratch. These steps will reset your development docker environment.

  1. From the repository's root directory, use this command to shutdown the dev container.
    docker compose down
  2. WARNING: These commands will stop ALL your Docker processes and delete their volumes. This applies not only to the Talawa API instances, but everything. Use with extreme caution.
    docker stop $(docker ps -q)
    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
    docker rmi $(docker images -q)
    docker volume prune -f
  3. Restart the Docker dev containers to resume your development work.
    devcontainer build --workspace-folder .
    devcontainer up --workspace-folder .

Now you can resume your development work.

Testing The API

Use the API_BASE_URL URL configured in the .env file. As the endpoint uses GraphQL, the complete URL will be API_BASE_URL/graphql

Using Curl

This section shows how to do some basic transactions using CURL


This endpoint is used to sign in a user.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k <API_BASE_URL>/graphql -d '{
"query": "query signIn($input: QuerySignInInput!) { signIn(input: $input) { authenticationToken user { emailAddress id name } } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"emailAddress": "",
"password": "password"

Request Headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:

"query": "query signIn($input: QuerySignInInput!) { signIn(input: $input) { authenticationToken user { emailAddress id name } } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"emailAddress": "",
"password": "password"


  • Returns the authentication token and user details (email address, id, and name).

Organization Creation

This endpoint is used to create a new organization.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_token>" -k  <API_BASE_URL>/graphql -d '{
"query": "mutation Mutation_createOrganization($input: MutationCreateOrganizationInput!) { createOrganization(input: $input) { id name } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"name": "name0"

Request Headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: Bearer <your_token>

Request Body:

"query": "mutation Mutation_createOrganization($input: MutationCreateOrganizationInput!) { createOrganization(input: $input) { id name } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"name": "name0"


  • Returns the newly created organization's ID and name.

Using GraphiQL

Here are some basic commands you can use for testing

Signing in as Administrator

Use the following GraphQL query to get an authentication token for authorization in later queries:

query {
input: { emailAddress: "", password: "password" }
) {
user {

Example Response:

"data": {
"signIn": {
"authenticationToken": "YWQ2LWE2OTctMjZjYmFlYjEyYTI1In0sImlhdCI6MTceyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjp7ImlkIjoiMDE5NGM5MWQtMDQzYS03zODkzOTM3MiwiZXhwIjo0MzMwOTM5MzcyfQ.jVH3un6CBQ62aD_eXIwghoaQ6ak4ZnYfLgz6uDuZbrM",
"user": {
"id": "0194c91d-043a-7ad6-a697-26cbaeb12a25",
"name": "administrator"


This section explains how to use interactive GraphQL to make changes to the database.

NOTE: For all mutations, make sure the Headers section at the bottom of the page has the Authorization Bearer type method. Use the authenticationToken received during login step above. We use that value received previously in this example.

"Authorization": "Bearer YWQ2LWE2OTctMjZjYmFlYjEyYTI1In0sImlhdCI6MTceyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjp7ImlkIjoiMDE5NGM5MWQtMDQzYS03zODkzOTM3MiwiZXhwIjo0MzMwOTM5MzcyfQ.jVH3un6CBQ62aD_eXIwghoaQ6ak4ZnYfLgz6uDuZbrM"
Promote a Registered User to an Administrator

Use the following GraphQL mutation to assign administrator role to user:

mutation {
updateUser(input: { id: "user-id", role: administrator }) {
Creating Organizations

Use the following GraphQL mutation to create an organization:

mutation {
input: {
addressLine1: "Los Angeles"
addressLine2: "USA"
city: "Los Angeles"
countryCode: in
description: "testing"
name: "Test Org 7"
postalCode: "876876"
state: "California"
) {

Example Response:

"data": {
"createOrganization": {
"id": "0194e104-31df-7906-a221-90d80ff27582"
Create an Organization Administrator

Use the following GraphQL mutation to assign administrator role to user:

mutation {
input: {
memberId: "user-id"
organizationId: "org-id"
role: administrator
) {
members(first: 5) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {


This section explains how to use interactive GraphQL to query the database.

Query Organization Data

Use the following GraphQL query to query organization data:

organization(input: { id: "0194e11a-1d2f-7425-b447-84e641687570" }) {

Example Response:

"data": {
"organization": {
"id": "0194e11a-1d2f-7425-b447-84e641687570",
"name": "Test Org 27",
"description": "testing",
"addressLine1": "Los Angeles",
"addressLine2": "USA",
"city": "Los Angeles",
"postalCode": "876876",
"state": "California",
"countryCode": "in"