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Type Alias: ForbiddenActionOnArgumentsAssociatedResourcesExtensions

ForbiddenActionOnArgumentsAssociatedResourcesExtensions: object

Defined in: src/utilities/TalawaGraphQLError.ts:75

When the client tries to perform actions on resources associated to arguments that conflict with real world expectations of the application. One example would be a user trying to follow their own account on a social media application.

Type declaration


code: "forbidden_action_on_arguments_associated_resources"


issues: object[]


throw new TalawaGraphQLError({
extensions: {
code: "forbidden_action_on_arguments_associated_resources",
issues: [
argumentPath: ["input", 0, "emailAddress"],
message: "This email address is not available.",
argumentPath: ["input", 3, "username"],
message: "This username is not available.",